
Bluetooth ploj tom qab tsis ntev los no Windows 10 hloov tshiab? Sim cov kev daws teeb meem no los kho nws

Sim Peb Cov Twj Rau Kev Tshem Tawm Cov Teeb Meem

Hloov tshiab kawg Plaub Hlis 17, 2022 Qhib Bluetooth Windows 10 0

Bluetooth headphones lossis microphones yuav tsis txuas rau lub laptop tom qab hloov tshiab Windows 10 tsis ntev los no? Lossis qee zaum koj yuav xav hloov cov ntaub ntawv ntawm koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes mus rau Windows 10 ntawm Bluetooth tab sis nrhiav tsis tau Bluetooth ntxiv lawm? Koj tsis yog ib leeg ib tus lej ntawm cov neeg siv qhia Bluetooth ploj lawm Tom qab Windows 10 1903 hloov tshiab, Rau qee qhov lwm tus Bluetooth ploj los ntawm tus thawj tswj ntaus ntawv.

Tsis ntev los no kuv lub pc hloov tshiab thiab tam sim no kuv siv tsis tau Bluetooth lawm. Qhov kev xaiv qhib thiab kaw tau ploj mus, thiab thaum kuv khiav qhov teeb meem, nws hais tias Bluetooth tsis muaj nyob rau ntawm lub cuab yeej no. Qhov no ua tau li cas thaum tsuas yog teev dhau los kuv tus hais lus tau txuas nrog Bluetooth thiab ua haujlwm ib txwm.

Yog tias Bluetooth nqis ploj lawm ntawm Windows 10 lossis nws tau ploj los ntawm Tus Thawj Tswj Ntaus Ntawv lossis Tswj Vaj Huam Sib Luag, koj twv yuav raug hu tsis tuaj yeem txuas koj lub cuab yeej wireless los ntawm Bluetooth rau lub computer. Thiab qhov laj thawj tseem ceeb ntawm qhov teeb meem no, Bluetooth tsav tsheb yog outdated, ploj lawm los yog corrupted.

Qhov no yog qhov teeb meem ntxhov siab thaum koj Windows 10 ploj Bluetooth Chaw. Tab sis, koj tsis tas yuav txhawj xeeb vim nws yog ib qho teeb meem tshwm sim heev thiab tuaj yeem kho tau yooj yim yog tias koj ua raws qee qhov ntawm peb cov lus qhia.

Kev teeb tsa Bluetooth ploj lawm ntawm Windows 10

Yog tias koj tseem muaj teeb meem zoo sib xws, Bluetooth ploj lawm los ntawm tus thawj tswj ntaus ntawv Tsis txhob txhawj ntawm no Peb tau teev qee qhov kev daws teeb meem uas yuav kho qhov teeb meem no rau koj yam tsis muaj kev xav. Koj tuaj yeem ua raws li ib qho ntawm cov hauv qab no-hais txog txoj hauv kev thiab tau txais koj cov teeb tsa Bluetooth rov qab yam tsis muaj teeb meem.

Cov kauj ruam los tig koj lub Bluetooth rau lossis tawm:

  1. Nyem rau Start menu thiab xaiv Chaw.
  2. Nyem Devices ces Bluetooth.
  3. Txav lub Bluetooth toggle mus rau qhov xav tau.

Qhib Bluetooth Windows 10

Tsis tas li los ntawm Chaw> Khoom Siv> Bluetooth thiab lwm yam khoom siv> tom qab ntawd tshem tawm / tshem tawm lub cuab yeej, rov pib dua thiab rov ua dua.

Zoo yog tias koj pom tias qhov kev xaiv no yog greyed tawm ces koj tsis tuaj yeem qhib / kaw qhov kev xaiv no ua raws cov kauj ruam tom ntej.

  • Right-click rau ntawm qhov pib ntawv qhia zaub mov thiab xaiv tus thawj tswj ntaus ntawv
  • Tam sim no, xyuas seb puas muaj Bluetooth Device nyob hauv ntu Network adapter lossis tsis.
  • Yog tias ntu Bluetooth nyob ntawd, ces nws txhais tau tias koj muaj Bluetooth ntawm koj lub computer.
  • Yog tias tsis yog, koj yuav tsum nruab qhov tseeb Bluetooth tsav tsheb ntawm koj lub laptop.

Nruab qhov tshiab Windows tshiab

Microsoft tsis tu ncua tso kev ruaj ntseg thaj hloov tshiab nrog ntau yam kab laum kho. Thiab txhim kho qhov hloov tshiab qhov rais tshiab yuav muaj kab laum kho rau qhov teeb meem Bluetooth ntawd. Txhim kho qhov hloov tshiab tshiab tsis tsuas yog kho cov kab laum tseem hloov kho tus tsav tsheb Bluetooth yog tias muaj.

  • Nias Windows + I keyboard shortcut, qhib lub chaw app,
  • Nyem rau Hloov Kho & Kev Ruaj Ntseg ces Windows hloov tshiab,
  • Ntaus lub kos rau qhov hloov tshiab khawm kom tso cai rub tawm thiab nruab qhov hloov tshiab qhov rais tshiab,
  • Thiab rov pib lub qhov rais los siv cov kev hloov pauv,
  • tam sim no sim qhib thiab txuas Bluetooth li.

Tshawb nrhiav windows hloov tshiab

Txheeb xyuas Bluetooth Service Status

Thaum koj paub tias Bluetooth teeb tsa muaj nyob hauv koj lub khoos phis tawj, tom qab ntawd koj tuaj yeem tshem tawm lawv los ntawm txoj hauv qab no -

  • Nias Windows + R keyboard shortcut, ntaus ua servcies.msc, thiab nias ok
  • Qhov no yuav qhib lub qhov rais kev pab cuam console, scroll down thiab nrhiav qhov kev pab cuam Bluetooth
  • Tam sim no, koj yuav tsum tau nyem nyem rau ntawm Bluetooth Support Service lossis lwm yam kev pabcuam cuam tshuam nrog Bluetooth xws li Bluetooth Driver Management System, thiab tom qab ntawd pib.
  • Ntawm no, koj yuav tsum right-click ntawm qhov kev pabcuam dua thiab nyem rau ntawm qhov kev xaiv Properties.
  • Koj yuav tsum teeb tsa hom kev pib ua haujlwm tsis siv neeg thiab siv qhov hloov pauv.
  • Tam sim no, txhawm rau txheeb xyuas cov txiaj ntsig, nias Windows thiab kuv qhov tseem ceeb ua ke ntawm koj cov keyboard kom hu Cov Chaw Windows thiab kos tawm yog tias qhov kev xaiv Bluetooth nyob ntawd.

pib dua kev pab txhawb nqa Bluetooth

Reenable Bluetooth tsav tsheb Software

  • Qhib tus thawj tswj ntaus ntawv siv devmgmt.msc los ntawm pib nrhiav zaub mov,
  • Nrhiav thiab nthuav cov ntu Bluetooth,

Pro Ntsis: yog tias qhov kev xaiv Bluetooth tsis muaj nyob ntawd, ces nyem rau ntawm qhov kev txiav txim thiab nyem rau ntawm scan rau kho vajtse hloov.

luam theej duab rau kho vajtse hloov

  • Tom ntej no, koj yuav tsum right-click rau koj Bluetooth tsav tsheb software nyob rau hauv Bluetooth seem thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv lub Disable ntaus ntawv thiab nias rau Yes los pib cov txheej txheem.
  • Thaum txhua yam ua tiav, koj yuav tsum tau nyem rau ntawm tus tsav tsheb dua thiab lub sijhawm no xaiv Qhib kev xaiv ntaus ntawv.
  • Thaum kawg, ntawm koj cov keyboard, koj yuav tsum nias lub Windows key nrog rau kuv tus yuam sij qhib Chaw thiab saib seb qhov kev xaiv Bluetooth puas muaj tam sim no.

Qhib Bluetooth tsav tsheb

Khiav Troubleshooter rau Bluetooth

Khiav lub built-in Bluetooth troubleshooter uas cia li ntes thiab kho cov teeb meem tiv thaiv Bluetooth ntaus ntawv mus cuag thiab khub.

  • Qhib chaw app siv Windows + I keyboard shortcut key,
  • Nyem rau Hloov tshiab & kev ruaj ntseg ces daws teeb meem,
  • ntawm sab xis sab xis xaiv Bluetooth ces nyem khiav qhov teeb meem,
  • Cia cov txheej txheem ua tiav thiab rov pib lub qhov rais

Bluetooth Troubleshooter

Reinstall koj tus tsav tsheb Bluetooth

Yog koj Bluetooth tsav tsheb yog corrupted los yog xav tau kev hloov tshiab, ces nws yuav tsis tsim teeb meem rau koj. Txawm li cas los xij, feem ntau, qhov teeb meem no tuaj yeem kho tau yooj yim los ntawm kev hloov kho tus tsav tsheb Bluetooth li -

  1. Ib zaug ntxiv, ntawm koj lub khoos phis tawj Nias lub Windows logo yuam sij thiab X yuam sij ua ke ntawm koj cov keyboard kom nkag mus rau cov ntawv qhia zaub mov, thiab tom qab ntawd tsuas yog nias rau ntawm Tus Thawj Tswj Ntaus Ntawv xaiv.
  2. Tom ntej no, right-click on your Bluetooth driver and select the Uninstall device from the menu.
  3. Ntawm no, koj yuav tsum mus ntsib lub vev xaib ntawm koj lub khoos phis tawj tsim lub vev xaib lossis koj tuaj yeem mus ntsib Bluetooth adapter chaw tsim khoom lub vev xaib xws li Intel, thiab pib cov txheej txheem rub tawm Bluetooth tsav tsheb rau koj lub cuab yeej. Tom qab ntawd, nruab tus tsav tsheb rub tawm ntawm koj lub computer.

Koj tuaj yeem siv lwm cov cuab yeej thib peb los pab koj ntawm no thiab. Txoj kev no, koj tuaj yeem cawm koj tus kheej los ntawm txhua qhov teeb meem ntawm rub tawm tus tsav tsheb Bluetooth tsis raug raws li koj tsis paub txog qhov system koj lub khoos phis tawj khiav haujlwm. Yog li, yog tias koj tsis xav kom pheej hmoo rau koj lub khoos phis tawj los ntawm kev txhim kho tus tsav tsheb tsis raug, koj tuaj yeem siv qee qhov kev pab cuam ntawm no kom paub meej.

Feem ntau, tag nrho cov tsav tsheb installer software yog yooj yim heev rau siv. Koj tsuas yog yuav tsum tau rub tawm thiab nruab software ntawm koj xaiv hauv online. Txawm li cas los xij, peb xav kom koj siv software dawb yog tias koj yuav siv nws tsis tshua muaj. Thaum lub software raug ntsia rau hauv koj lub cev, ces koj tsuas yog yuav tsum tau nias lub scan khawm thiab nws yuav cia li qhia koj tag nrho corrupted tsav tsheb tam sim no nyob rau hauv koj lub computer. Nrog ib tug nias koj yuav tau mus download tau thiab nruab tag nrho cov tsav tsheb.

Thiab, thaum koj tau hloov pauv, tsis txhob hnov ​​​​qab xyuas cov xwm txheej ntawm koj lub Bluetooth teeb tsa los ntawm nias lub Windows key nrog kuv tus yuam sij ntawm koj cov keyboard.

Los ntawm ua raws li peb txoj kev yooj yim no, koj tuaj yeem kho qhov teeb meem ntawm Windows 10 uas ploj lawm Bluetooth xaiv thiab txuas koj cov khoom siv uas koj nyiam nrog koj lub computer wirelessly. Koj tsuas yog yuav tsum ua tib zoo ua raws li tag nrho cov lus qhia thiab koj yuav tuaj yeem kho qhov teeb meem yooj yim. Txawm li cas los xij, yog tias qee zaum, cov kev xaiv no tsis ua haujlwm rau koj, ces koj tuaj yeem nrhiav kev pab los ntawm Microsoft lub zej zog loj.

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